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Owner: Tomas Hessler

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Displaying items 31-60 of 171 in total
Name Taxonomy Completeness Size % GC Cov ⬇ # Ctg # Genes Max ctg.

Bacteroidia, Bacteroidetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 30 / 55 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 13 / 38 MC: 1 2.53 Mbp 38.66 % 29.54 37 2195 551881

near complete RP 47 / 55 MC: 1 BSCG 49 / 51 ASCG 12 / 38 2.77 Mbp 50.42 % 28.44 52 2215 375076

Desulfomicrobium baculatum, Desulfomicrobium, Desulfovibrionales, Deltaproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
near complete RP 48 / 55 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 13 / 38 MC: 1 4.10 Mbp 59.84 % 28.09 38 3782 575607

Veillonella parvula, Veillonella, Selenomonadales, Negativicutes, Firmicutes, Bacteria
near complete RP 49 / 55 BSCG 50 / 51 ASCG 14 / 38 MC: 2 1.99 Mbp 38.60 % 28.00 18 1874 589600

Gammaproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
near complete RP 50 / 55 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 13 / 38 MC: 3 3.08 Mbp 62.96 % 26.50 157 2921 147777

Paracoccus, Rhodobacterales, Alphaproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
near complete RP 52 / 55 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 12 / 38 MC: 1 3.11 Mbp 69.45 % 25.63 22 2973 480758

Rhizobiales, Alphaproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
near complete RP 50 / 55 MC: 1 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 13 / 38 4.35 Mbp 50.67 % 25.53 56 3993 894756

Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans, Dethiosulfovibrio, Synergistales, Synergistia, Synergistetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 46 / 55 BSCG 50 / 51 ASCG 12 / 38 2.59 Mbp 54.61 % 25.42 17 2522 475446

Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans, Dethiosulfovibrio, Synergistales, Synergistia, Synergistetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 47 / 55 BSCG 50 / 51 ASCG 12 / 38 2.70 Mbp 54.28 % 24.94 50 2592 233530

Parabacteroides, Bacteroidales, Bacteroidia, Bacteroidetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 51 / 55 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 13 / 38 4.22 Mbp 41.51 % 24.83 71 3556 381977

Firmicutes, Bacteria
near complete RP 48 / 55 BSCG 50 / 51 ASCG 12 / 38 1.15 Mbp 36.41 % 24.64 4 1139 602968

Clostridia, Firmicutes, Bacteria
near complete RP 44 / 55 MC: 1 BSCG 50 / 51 ASCG 13 / 38 MC: 1 2.15 Mbp 47.90 % 24.50 28 2032 415192

Desulfovibrio, Desulfovibrionales, Deltaproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
partial RP 30 / 55 MC: 1 BSCG 33 / 51 MC: 4 ASCG 8 / 38 MC: 2 3.15 Mbp 64.35 % 24.17 660 3492 40016

Klebsiella oxytoca, Klebsiella, Enterobacteriales, Gammaproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
near complete RP 53 / 55 MC: 3 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 14 / 38 MC: 3 6.04 Mbp 55.75 % 23.36 93 5737 363359

Synergistales, Synergistia, Synergistetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 44 / 55 BSCG 50 / 51 ASCG 10 / 38 MC: 1 3.36 Mbp 60.95 % 23.29 36 3215 439232

Bacillus cereus, Bacillus, Bacillales, Bacilli, Firmicutes, Bacteria
partial RP 0 / 55 BSCG 1 / 51 ASCG 0 / 38 219.06 Kbp 39.12 % 22.77 1 261 219061

Dysgonomonas, Bacteroidales, Bacteroidia, Bacteroidetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 45 / 55 MC: 1 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 14 / 38 4.10 Mbp 38.66 % 22.08 27 3408 748428

Bacteroidales, Bacteroidia, Bacteroidetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 52 / 55 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 13 / 38 3.38 Mbp 43.01 % 21.74 35 2824 299113

Mesotoga, Kosmotogales, Thermotogae, Thermotogae, Bacteria
near complete RP 49 / 55 MC: 9 BSCG 50 / 51 MC: 9 ASCG 11 / 38 MC: 1 3.00 Mbp 50.30 % 21.58 210 2891 87615

Arcobacter, Campylobacterales, Epsilonproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
near complete RP 50 / 55 BSCG 49 / 51 ASCG 10 / 38 2.25 Mbp 33.14 % 21.23 26 2237 266506

Alphaproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
near complete RP 41 / 55 MC: 2 BSCG 51 / 51 MC: 2 ASCG 12 / 38 MC: 2 2.12 Mbp 54.64 % 21.17 75 2117 137595

Bacteroidia, Bacteroidetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 36 / 55 MC: 2 BSCG 51 / 51 MC: 2 ASCG 13 / 38 4.57 Mbp 44.25 % 21.15 90 3694 243889

Bacteroidales, Bacteroidia, Bacteroidetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 50 / 55 MC: 1 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 13 / 38 4.04 Mbp 39.98 % 21.03 67 3329 302487

Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter, Enterobacteriales, Gammaproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
partial RP 32 / 55 MC: 7 BSCG 34 / 51 MC: 5 ASCG 11 / 38 MC: 2 5.23 Mbp 51.77 % 20.96 93 5103 418824

Desulfotomaculum gibsoniae, Desulfotomaculum, Clostridiales, Clostridia, Firmicutes, Bacteria
near complete RP 49 / 55 BSCG 50 / 51 ASCG 16 / 38 MC: 2 3.14 Mbp 47.18 % 20.68 33 3029 347600

Chlorobium limicola, Chlorobium, Chlorobiales, Chlorobia, Chlorobi, Bacteria
near complete RP 50 / 55 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 12 / 38 2.57 Mbp 53.03 % 20.48 55 2443 349679

Sphaerochaeta globosa, Sphaerochaeta, Spirochaetales, Spirochaetia, Spirochaetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 49 / 55 MC: 2 BSCG 50 / 51 MC: 1 ASCG 15 / 38 3.09 Mbp 51.47 % 20.38 55 2929 233920

Mesotoga, Kosmotogales, Thermotogae, Thermotogae, Bacteria
partial RP 37 / 55 MC: 1 BSCG 38 / 51 MC: 1 ASCG 10 / 38 2.75 Mbp 48.49 % 20.28 200 2646 86076

Desulfarculus baarsii, Desulfarculus, Desulfarculales, Deltaproteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria
near complete RP 49 / 55 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 12 / 38 3.55 Mbp 65.82 % 20.13 66 3341 414656

Bacteroidia, Bacteroidetes, Bacteria
near complete RP 50 / 55 BSCG 51 / 51 ASCG 13 / 38 3.81 Mbp 49.09 % 19.24 46 2988 397531
Displaying items 31-60 of 171 in total