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In projects: QH_6  |  diaphorachaeota
Displaying items 17551-17572 of 17572 in total
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
qh_6_scaffold_14656 1 1424 bp 45.79 10.46 14.12
Species: Haloquadratum walsbyi (100%)
1 1332 bp 64.41 8.18 100.00
Species: Natronomonas moolapensis (100%)
1 1248 bp 67.79 77.64 99.76
qh_6_scaffold_17882 1 1222 bp 52.78 6.87 53.52
Species: CG_Arma_01 (100%)
1 1174 bp 44.38 5.79 99.66
Species: Natronomonas pharaonis (100%)
1 1151 bp 67.59 39.62 89.92
Species: Halosimplex carlsbadense (100%)
1 1128 bp 73.94 9.84 39.63
qh_6_scaffold_19956 1 1118 bp 48.03 5.90 44.81
Species: Natronomonas moolapensis (100%)
1 1107 bp 69.83 30.62 99.73
Species: Halogeometricum borinquense (100%)
1 1085 bp 53.18 9.68 73.27
Species: Halomicrobium mukohataei (100%)
1 1038 bp 73.80 12.81 100.00
Species: Salinibacter ruber (100%)
1 1028 bp 57.39 15.66 23.64
Species: Rhizophagus irregularis (100%)
1 3043 bp 49.98 7.00 99.97
qh_6_scaffold_21113 0 1065 bp 51.74 6.01 0.00
qh_6_scaffold_20662 0 1084 bp 57.20 37.73 0.00
qh_6_scaffold_16307 0 1314 bp 37.44 21.46 0.00
qh_6_scaffold_15850 0 1343 bp 55.62 16.68 0.00
qh_6_scaffold_15390 0 1373 bp 55.43 47.56 0.00
qh_6_scaffold_13552 0 1505 bp 63.32 37.67 0.00
qh_6_scaffold_13588 0 1503 bp 55.42 119.89 0.00
qh_6_scaffold_14164 0 1458 bp 50.75 8.30 0.00
qh_6_scaffold_21770 0 1039 bp 46.58 4.23 0.00
Displaying items 17551-17572 of 17572 in total

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.