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In projects: RIFCSPLOWO2_01_FULL  |  archaea-rifleo2  |  rifle_organic_carbon  |  cpr-dpann-all

Consensus taxonomy:

Taxonomy override: Archaea


Essentially the same as complete curated version based on rifcsplowo2_02_scaffold_0

Displaying 7 items
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
rifcsplowo2_01_scaffold_1768 35 33194 bp 41.06 97.94 92.27
rifcsplowo2_01_scaffold_17650 14 14121 bp 39.61 101.08 63.44
rifcsplowo2_01_scaffold_39 477 412254 bp 40.92 102.10 92.03
rifcsplowo2_01_scaffold_158 256 215703 bp 41.03 100.34 89.48
rifcsplowo2_01_scaffold_333 77 67079 bp 39.97 98.26 92.54
rifcsplowo2_01_scaffold_508 118 106720 bp 41.27 99.71 91.46
rifcsplowo2_01_scaffold_3963 23 22712 bp 41.29 99.89 95.45
Displaying 7 items

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.