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In projects: SCNPILOT_EXPT_500_P

Consensus taxonomy:

Taxonomy override: Eukaryote


from TS-ESOM

Displaying items 1-50 of 110 in total
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
Class: Heterolobosea (60%)
20 20887 bp 19.45 9.64 92.08
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_2983 18 10403 bp 37.84 7.19 49.77
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_2267 16 12372 bp 38.34 11.50 69.57
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_5447 16 8569 bp 41.02 8.75 46.63
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_4907 15 7382 bp 45.56 4.94 60.02
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_2751 14 10958 bp 41.02 7.00 50.10
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_2268 14 12371 bp 41.12 7.88 42.58
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_2852 14 10725 bp 36.47 18.67 57.26
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_10162 13 6309 bp 36.74 6.30 63.01
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_6590 13 6005 bp 39.43 4.75 58.50
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_4257 12 8141 bp 39.25 8.20 41.71
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_3127 12 10049 bp 39.91 7.49 29.23
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_5781 12 6579 bp 42.54 4.45 86.91
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_4251 11 8153 bp 37.65 11.99 52.88
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_3675 11 8997 bp 39.31 8.11 42.88
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_10697 11 6638 bp 37.95 5.31 51.30
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_7552 11 5457 bp 38.89 4.76 61.57
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_5822 11 6552 bp 37.87 7.94 53.98
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_5828 11 6550 bp 42.34 3.24 64.17
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_6478 11 6923 bp 40.08 5.13 54.34
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_5891 11 6493 bp 40.67 3.93 42.23
Domain: Eukaryota (54.55%)
11 5550 bp 38.50 5.59 61.95
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_6544 11 6034 bp 40.98 5.84 53.20
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_5727 11 6622 bp 36.71 8.49 42.72
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_6381 10 6126 bp 38.67 5.39 32.47
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_7793 10 5322 bp 37.35 5.07 49.66
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_7805 10 5315 bp 44.74 4.61 76.48
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_7554 10 5455 bp 42.73 7.42 74.41
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_6951 10 5796 bp 39.56 5.31 52.95
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_6262 10 6218 bp 38.79 6.27 52.98
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_8698 10 6976 bp 35.94 6.63 33.20
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_7399 10 5541 bp 39.34 6.86 39.09
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_3582 10 9144 bp 41.36 5.03 45.11
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_13672 10 5753 bp 43.89 4.00 74.26
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_8261 10 5103 bp 48.17 4.75 64.84
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_7270 9 5609 bp 36.12 5.97 40.22
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_6439 9 6096 bp 43.01 3.73 59.06
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_10742 9 5144 bp 38.36 6.61 42.57
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_6727 9 5911 bp 43.29 6.64 57.20
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_4875 9 7418 bp 39.54 10.04 68.10
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_7862 9 5292 bp 41.86 4.20 53.34
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_5362 9 6925 bp 39.73 4.87 38.25
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_8923 9 5789 bp 43.36 5.10 72.14
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_5894 9 6491 bp 39.62 7.28 47.93
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_8200 9 5550 bp 35.19 7.03 40.65
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_3095 9 10122 bp 36.33 7.51 40.84
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_4773 8 7540 bp 40.03 5.84 31.43
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_6640 8 5971 bp 39.06 5.15 42.96
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_7547 8 5458 bp 42.84 6.28 48.15
SCNpilot_expt_500_p_scaffold_8348 8 5063 bp 37.33 6.72 39.64
Displaying items 1-50 of 110 in total

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.