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In projects: SCNpilot_P_inoc  |  scnpilot-dereplicated

Consensus taxonomy:

Taxonomy override: Mitochondria

Displaying 3 items
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
scnpilot_p_inoc_scaffold_4952 6 7649 bp 29.53 3.33 66.48
potentially chimeric with a sequence that best-hits to Faustovirus at the 5' end Rose Kantor (7/7/16)
Genus: Chlorella (50%)
4 7821 bp 29.63 3.68 33.06
Species: Chlorella sorokiniana (50%)
2 4277 bp 25.16 2.70 20.48
Displaying 3 items

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.