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In projects: SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM  |  plasmids_of_methanoperedens

Consensus taxonomy:


Related to 198 kb plasmid in the Helene bioreactor data (J)

Displaying 9 items
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM_scaffold_5273256 61 42682 bp 42.97 19.14 88.63
SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM_scaffold_2044170 58 47982 bp 39.64 21.21 81.46
SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM_scaffold_6798284 40 30627 bp 41.72 19.89 83.36
SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM_scaffold_1215808 30 35075 bp 40.01 20.25 84.35
SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM_scaffold_6362751 30 34225 bp 40.73 20.37 88.60
SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM_scaffold_190130 25 30075 bp 46.94 20.06 87.71
Joins to HMp fragment Jill Banfield (10/6/21)
SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM_scaffold_234156 23 12572 bp 41.00 19.87 80.51
Uncertain. Jill Banfield (10/6/21)
SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM_scaffold_967060 11 10027 bp 38.88 19.87 85.36
uncertain Jill Banfield (10/6/21)
SR-VP_26_10_2020_1_100CM_scaffold_2546412 10 10236 bp 39.19 20.49 68.32
Uncertain Jill Banfield (10/6/21)
Displaying 9 items

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.