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In projects: VOV81_nepal  |  phage-plasmid-virus-protein-families  |  animal-human-phages  |  Lak2  |  Jumbo_Phages

Consensus taxonomy:

Taxonomy override: Phage


All but one aligns with~80% identity to A1 (shortest added due to overlap) J.

Displaying 10 items
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
NODE_106_length_115646_cov_204.12 187 115646 bp 25.95 1.00 69.14
NODE_96_length_121918_cov_202.669 174 121918 bp 26.64 1.00 69.70
NODE_134_length_99376_cov_177.372 158 99376 bp 24.97 1.00 58.96
NODE_374_length_57308_cov_180.7 88 57308 bp 25.09 1.00 69.66
NODE_858_length_35567_cov_138.88 68 35567 bp 25.64 1.00 60.22
NODE_869_length_35211_cov_166.535 64 35211 bp 25.26 1.00 72.04
NODE_1426_length_25773_cov_137.009 40 25773 bp 25.55 1.00 74.85
NODE_2629_length_15977_cov_54.3615 26 15977 bp 26.06 1.00 50.51
NODE_5911_length_8146_cov_175.715 22 8146 bp 24.31 1.00 83.64
NODE_43898_length_1347_cov_56.7787 4 1347 bp 28.21 1.00 47.22
Displaying 10 items

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.