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In projects: china_ERR1190628  |  Lak2

Consensus taxonomy:

Taxonomy override: Phage


By align (J)

Displaying 9 items
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
china_ERR1190628__NODE_15_length_178545_cov_10.558194 289 178545 bp 25.65 1.00 69.28
china_ERR1190628__NODE_87_length_98295_cov_9.984619 132 98295 bp 26.59 1.00 69.50
china_ERR1190628__NODE_276_length_62699_cov_11.158084 107 62699 bp 25.68 1.00 69.85
china_ERR1190628__NODE_416_length_52182_cov_9.847449 93 52182 bp 25.54 1.00 69.70
china_ERR1190628__NODE_345_length_56622_cov_10.791097 91 56622 bp 24.67 1.00 72.75
china_ERR1190628__NODE_730_length_39678_cov_10.513490 79 39678 bp 24.55 1.00 60.81
china_ERR1190628__NODE_1029_length_32540_cov_10.460736 47 32540 bp 26.73 1.00 69.47
china_ERR1190628__NODE_4533_length_10235_cov_7.737819 19 10235 bp 28.27 1.00 24.15
china_ERR1190628__NODE_5163_length_8998_cov_8.850721 15 8998 bp 25.38 1.00 64.55
Displaying 9 items

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.