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Published data:
Closely related Lak megaphages replicate in the microbiomes of diverse animals
Crisci, Marco A., et al. “Closely related Lak megaphages replicate in the microbiomes of diverse animals.” iScience (2021): 102875.
Published data:
Borgs are giant extrachromosomal elements with the potential to augment methane oxidation
Basem Al-Shayeb, Marie C. Schoelmerich, Jacob West-Roberts, Luis E. Valentin-Alvarado, Rohan Sachdeva, Susan Mullen, Alexander Crits-Christoph, Michael J. Wilkins, Kenneth H. Williams, Jennifer A. Doudna, Jillian F. Banfield (2021). Borgs are giant extrachromosomal elements with the potential to augment methane oxidation. bioRxiv 2021.07.10.451761; doi:
Published data:
Candidate Phyla Radiation Roizmanbacteria From Hot Springs Have Novel and Unexpectedly Abundant CRISPR-Cas Systems
Chen, L.-X. et al. (2019) “Candidate Phyla Radiation Roizmanbacteria From Hot Springs Have Novel and Unexpectedly Abundant CRISPR-Cas Systems.,” Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, p. 928. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00928.
Published data:
Megaphage infect Prevotella and variants are widespread in gut microbiomes
Audra E. Devoto, Joanne M. Santini, Matthew R. Olm, Karthik Anantharaman, Patrick Munk, Jenny Tung, Elizabeth A. Archie, Peter J. Turnbaugh, Kimberley D. Seed, Ran Blekhman, Frank M. Aarestrup, Brian C. Thomas and Jillian F. Banfield. “Megaphage infect Prevotella and variants are widespread in gut microbiomes”, submitted to bioRxiv
Published data:
Expanded diversity of microbial groups that shape the dissimilatory sulfur cycle
Anantharaman, K., B. Hausmann, S. P. Jungbluth, R. S. Kantor, A. Lavy, L. A. Warren, M. S. Rappé, et al. 2018. Expanded diversity of microbial groups that shape the dissimilatory sulfur cycle. The ISME Journal.
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