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In projects: SR-VP_0-2cm_Biohub_180515  |  BMp

Consensus taxonomy:

Taxonomy override: Archaea



Displaying 11 items
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_936180 495 346537 bp 32.57 98.49 85.83
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_6119290 190 107159 bp 32.49 98.22 85.47
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_6491780 108 70147 bp 33.57 97.95 86.45
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_6509636 40 30045 bp 34.14 99.01 83.59
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_464002 31 12827 bp 34.32 72.98 83.54
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_445013 27 11333 bp 36.46 72.66 82.14
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_577528 25 14853 bp 33.21 99.04 79.30
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_596876 13 11668 bp 30.43 94.40 95.83
Phylum: Euryarchaeota (50%)
10 8538 bp 31.32 91.13 95.92
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_5191804 9 4817 bp 34.17 89.06 73.24
SR-VP_0-2_scaffold_141_1562381 4 1386 bp 39.90 82.25 90.69
Displaying 11 items

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.