The search box searches a snapshot of the information in the database and does
support wild cards (e.g. '*' or '%').
You can search by gene name as follows:
- full gene name : UBA_LeptoII_Scaffold_8241_GENE_539
- contig/scaffold abbreviated : UBA_LeptoII_Scaff_8241_GENE_539 (or "cont" for contig)
- locus_id : UBAL2_82410539
- just scaffold or contig and a number : 8241_539
- organism and scaffold/contig and number : LeptoII_8241_539
You can also search by annotation - you can enter any word that might be found in the annotation fields.
If the annotation for a gene is
Ferredoxin oxidoreductase gamma
subunit 517295:517993 forward MW:25534 you would get
hits for any word:
- Ferredoxin
- oxidoreductase
- gamma
- subunit
- 517295:517993
- forward
- MW:25534
Any combinations of the above words work as well
- oxidoreductase gamma subunit
Finally, you can add in the organism name as well. To only find those oxidoreductases from A-plasma,
you might search for either of these:
- aplasma oxidoreductase
- apl oxidoreductase