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In projects: SR-VP_26_10_2019_2_100cm  |  BMp

Consensus taxonomy:



Displaying 3 items
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
SR-VP_26_10_2019_2_100cm_scaffold_3 526 382932 bp 32.59 136.81 81.43
SR-VP_26_10_2019_2_100cm_scaffold_5 432 308894 bp 32.17 135.77 87.28
SR-VP_26_10_2019_2_100cm_scaffold_12 348 222746 bp 32.27 141.75 84.67
Displaying 3 items

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.