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In projects: pig_ID_1901_F52  |  Lak2

Consensus taxonomy:

Taxonomy override: Phage


Aligns with pig GC31. 3654_140, 483_42, 168_2389_1902 (J) scaffold_14404 and scaffold_54852 should be removed based on coverage profiles across all 104 pig metagenomes (LXC)

Displaying 11 items
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_140 268 146628 bp 31.52 28.34 77.41
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_42 180 108170 bp 32.71 28.60 68.18
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_168 86 50155 bp 31.36 27.72 71.77
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_1092 70 45789 bp 32.89 29.61 83.61
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_1605 67 36215 bp 31.44 28.99 79.88
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_2389 47 28987 bp 32.54 28.10 78.70
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_483 29 23308 bp 32.04 30.25 77.05
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_1946 29 14322 bp 32.18 30.02 62.54
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_3654 21 10073 bp 32.29 30.42 78.21
Phylum: Bacteroidetes (60%)
5 4443 bp 30.90 25.73 97.23
pig_ID_1901_F52_scaffold_54852 4 2607 bp 31.38 28.54 58.80
Displaying 11 items

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.