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In projects: spain_SRR5579981  |  Lak2  |  Jumbo_Phages

Consensus taxonomy:


Align. Can be condensed to 2 contigs

Displaying 6 items
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
spain_SRR5579981__NODE_1_length_184489_cov_35.952574 294 184489 bp 25.57 1.00 67.97
spain_SRR5579981__NODE_4_length_130059_cov_34.276346 191 130059 bp 26.31 1.00 66.75
spain_SRR5579981__NODE_15_length_89143_cov_35.074181 149 89143 bp 25.00 1.00 65.74
spain_SRR5579981__NODE_26_length_73778_cov_35.983189 125 73778 bp 24.84 1.00 69.19
spain_SRR5579981__NODE_86_length_40525_cov_34.147473 63 40525 bp 25.01 1.00 52.79
spain_SRR5579981__NODE_1018_length_10222_cov_34.520059 21 10222 bp 27.32 1.00 69.15
Displaying 6 items

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.