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Alias: MPJ_Desulfotomaculum_44_7_188

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GWB2_Chloroflexi_54_36_curated, Chloroflexi, Bacteria

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DNA (711bp) protein (237aa)
gidB; methyltransferase GidB (EC:2.1.-.-); K03501 16S rRNA (guanine527-N7)-methyltransferase [EC:] Tax=GWB2_Chloroflexi_54_36_curated
ribosomal RNA small subunit methyltransferase G
Ribosomal RNA small subunit methyltransferase G
RBG_13_Chloroflexi_68_17_curated, Chloroflexi, Bacteria

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DNA (612bp) protein (204aa)
putative hydrolase; K07025 putative hydrolase of the HAD superfamily Tax=RBG_13_Chloroflexi_68_17_curated
putative hydrolase
putative hydrolase; K07025 putative hydrolase of the HAD superfamily alias=RBG9_46_55,RBG9_C00046G00055 id=1246221 tax=RBG9 species=Anaerolinea thermophila genus=Anaerolinea taxon_order=Anaerolineales taxon_class=Anaerolineae phylum=Chloroflexi
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