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Rifle, Colorado, Sediment

7 Projects
Name Type Owner Description Date Organisms Contigs Features
Analysis Rose Kantor Kantor RS, Wrighton KC, Handley KM, Sharon I, Hug LA, Castelle CJ, Thomas BC, Banfield JF. 2013. Small genomes and sparse metabolisms of sediment-associated bacteria from four candidate phyla. ... 01/20/2014 20 1553 19591
Analysis Jill Banfield 06/16/2015 8 570 18127
Binning Jill Banfield 07/03/2014 2 50632 415702
Binning Jill Banfield 07/10/2014 5 51367 430217
Binning Jill Banfield 07/11/2014 9 46744 383395
Binning Jill Banfield 03/06/2014 2 178 3677
Analysis Jill Banfield 01/20/2014 8 7708 128466