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In projects: CG01_land_8_20_14_3_00  |  CG_2014_genomes_from_metagenomes  |  CG_2014_505_non-redundant_genomes  |  archaea_ggkbase

Consensus taxonomy: Archaea

Displaying items 501-512 of 512 in total
contig # features sequence size GC content (%) Cov Coding Density (%) notes
Species: RIFCSPLOWO2_12_FULL_Acidobacteria_66_21_curated (100%)
1 1692 bp 36.64 1.00 96.10
CG01_land_8_20_14_3.00_scaffold_22816_c 1 2232 bp 29.48 1.00 9.41
CG01_land_8_20_14_3.00_scaffold_49569_c 1 1132 bp 34.10 1.00 99.65
CG01_land_8_20_14_3.00_scaffold_54516_c 1 1286 bp 33.67 1.00 7.70
Species: CG_Solirubrobact_01 (100%)
1 1076 bp 37.73 1.00 65.80
Species: archaeon GW2011_AR20 (100%)
1 1702 bp 39.19 1.00 99.77
CG01_land_8_20_14_3.00_scaffold_76753_c 1 949 bp 37.62 1.00 99.89
Species: Palaeococcus pacificus (100%)
1 1814 bp 35.12 1.00 99.89
CG01_land_8_20_14_3.00_scaffold_75648_c 1 763 bp 42.07 1.00 99.48
Species: marine sediment metagenome (100%)
1 1144 bp 35.05 1.00 30.94
CG01_land_8_20_14_3.00_scaffold_83272_c 0 950 bp 34.74 1.00 0.00
CG01_land_8_20_14_3.00_scaffold_65569_c 0 1055 bp 28.72 1.00 0.00
Displaying items 501-512 of 512 in total

Ribosomal proteins shown here were identified using keyword searches of all annotations.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.

The SCGs are found by conducting USEARCH with a custom database.